Janine Hudson
- Age: 56
- What qualifies you to hold this position? I have more than 25 years of experience in social services in the areas of child protection, mental health and welfare services. Social Services is the largest expenditure in the county.
- What would your top priorities be if elected? Dakota County needs to stop Union busting. The county needs to stop outsourcing its social services and bring social workers back into the county to care for its citizens. My other top priorities would be to increase public transportation, public safety and environmental preservation.
- What do you think is the primary role of government? The role of the county government is to care for those who are unable to care for themselves and help individuals and families move from poverty to prosperity. The county is also responsible for the maintenance of our infrastructure, parks, and health and safety.
- Website or contact: votejaninehudson.com
Laurie Halverson
- Age: 53
- What qualifies you to hold this position?I’ve been a resident of Dakota County for more than 20 years, and I love our community. Prior to being elected county commissioner, I served the MN House from 2013-2020. I have a demonstrated record of leadership that includes improving parks, public health, affordable housing, Safe Routes to School, homelessness prevention and mental health
- What would your top priorities be if elected? Counties touch peoples’ lives in many ways from providing popular amenities such as parks and libraries, to maintaining roads and bridges, to providing essential services such as public health. My priorities include bike and pedestrian safety, improving mental health access and outcomes, and increasing options for affordable housing.
- What do you think is the primary role of government? County government has a significant role in the safety, well-being and prosperity of our communities. It is vital to be good stewards of public dollars. As a leader, it is my job to listen to residents and reflect the values of our communities and to protect ability of all citizens to participate in government through fair and free elections.
- Website or contact: LaurieHalverson.org