WEST SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Labor Day is a holiday that honors American workers, and as a result, many people will have the day off. But while some services are unavailable on this holiday, others will be available.
Government buildings, such schools, libraries, city/state/federal offices, and the post office, will be closed Monday.
If you typically get trash or recycling pickup on Mondays, that will likely be delayed to Tuesday or another day this week. You are encouraged to check with your city or town to find out what schedule they have in place.
Labor Day is also a bank holiday, so most banks will be closed, though online banking and ATMs may be available for use.
Most retail stores, including supermarkets and liquor stores, will be open Monday. Most restaurants that are normally open Mondays will also be open for the Labor Day holiday, though some may be operating on shortened hours, so it may be a good idea to call ahead.
If you ride public transit, you can expect at least reduced service. The PVTA will be operating on a Sunday schedule for Labor Day, while UMass Transit will operate Reduced Weekday Service. The FRTA and BRTA do not operate at all on Labor Day.